

New Battery Charges in Seconds

Clipped from: Breakthrough battery can charge up in seconds - Times Online
Times Online

Breakthrough battery can charge up in seconds

The days of waiting hours to charge a mobile phone or laptop computer could soon be over because of research that could transform battery technology in as little as two years.

Scientists in the United States have invented a battery that can charge in seconds, promising a revolution in power storage that could also help green cars and renewable energy.

Clipped from: DMSE News and Events » Prof. Ceder publishes developments in rechargeable battery technology
Massachusetts Institute of TechnologyDMSE

Prof. Ceder publishes developments in rechargeable battery technology

MIT engineers have created a kind of beltway that allows for the rapid transit of electrical energy through a well-known battery material, an advance that could usher in smaller, lighter batteries — for cell phones and other devices — that could recharge in seconds rather than hours.

The work could also allow for the quick recharging of batteries in electric cars, although that particular application would be limited by the amount of power available to a homeowner through the electric grid.

The work, led by Gerbrand Ceder, the Richard P. Simmons Professor of Materials Science and Engineering, is reported in the March 12 issue of Nature.

Clipped from: Re-engineered battery material could lead to rapid recharging of many devices - MIT News Office
... creating a new surface structure that does allow the lithium ions to move quickly around the outside of the material, much like a beltway around a city. When an ion traveling along this beltway reaches a tunnel, it is instantly diverted into it. Kang is a coauthor of the Nature paper.

Using their new processing technique, the two went on to make a small battery that could be fully charged or discharged in 10 to 20 seconds (it takes six minutes to fully charge or discharge a cell made from the unprocessed material).

A sample of the new battery material that could allow quick charging of portable devices.

Scanning electron micrograph of a particle of the new battery material. Dark area indicates the inside of the particle surrounded by a lighter surface layer only five nanometers wide.

Breakthrough battery can charge up in seconds - Times Online
DMSE News and Events » Prof. Ceder publishes developments in rechargeable battery technology
Re-engineered battery material could lead to rapid recharging of many devices - MIT News Office
Lithium batteries charge ahead : Nature News
Quicker battery charge holds promise for plug-in cars
MIT engineers remodel the Li-ion battery to recharge in a matter of seconds
A Better Battery? The Lithium Ion Cell Gets Supercharged: Scientific American
Building a better battery - Cosmic Log -