

Self-Healing Coating

Mail Online

The scratch-proof car: Scientists create coating that repairs itself in the sun in 30 minutes

Scientists claim to have invented a 'self-healing' coating that repairs scuffs or blemishes on paint when exposed to sunlight.

Revolutionary: Repairing scratches on car paint soon won't be necessarily as a plastic is being invented that can heal itself when exposed to sunlight
DISCOVER Magazine. Science, Technology and The Future

Self-Healing Coating Could Make Scratch-Proof Cars

self-healing coating
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New York Times

Polymer Coating Heals Itself

Biswajit Ghosh and Marek W. Urban of the University of Southern Mississippi have come up with another approach, which they describe in a paper in Science. With their method, what breaks is not a sphere, but a ring-shaped chemical, oxetane, that is incorporated in the polyurethane polymer. Another compound in the polymer, chitosan, forms cross-links at the places where the oxetane breaks, healing the scratch.

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Papa Mike's Blog

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RSC - Advancing the Chemical Sciences
Cracks repair in 30 minutes

The team demonstrated that a hairline crack - around 10 micrometres in thickness - could be completely knitted back together under bright UV light in around 30 minutes. However, they have not yet investigated more complex damage or deeper scratches.

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The scratch-proof car: Scientists create coating that repairs itself in the sun in 30 minutes | Mail Online
Self-Healing Coating Could Make Scratch-Proof Cars | 80beats | Discover Magazine
Scientists Invent Scratch-Proof Paint | Design & Innovation | Fast Company
Observatory - Polymer Coating Heals Itself -
Papa Mike’s Blog » Blog Archive » SCRATCH-PROOF CAR PAINT
New coating could make cars scratch-proof
Scratch Proof Car: Self Healing Paint Job! | Automotive
Dr. Marek W. Urban
Self-Repairing Oxetane-Substituted Chitosan Polyurethane Networks -- Ghosh and Urban 323 (5920): 1458 -- Science