

Savant Art

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Savant syndrome

Savant syndrome, sometimes abbreviated as savantism, is not a recognized medical diagnosis, but researcher Darold Treffert defines it as a rare condition in which persons with developmental disorders (including autism spectrum disorders) have one or more areas of expertise, ability or brilliance that are in contrast with the individual's overall limitations. Treffert says the condition can be genetic, but can also be acquired.[1]

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Savant syndrome, Beautiful minds

Short film about a remarkable talent. Savant syndrome is very rare, but the results are sometimes unbelievable.
Can brain damage lead to extraordinary art?
  1. Can brain damage lead to extraordinary art?

  2. Artists with Brain Damage

  3. Savant Syndrome and Art

  4. Lots More Information

  5. See all Human Perception articles

Andy Warhol paintings
Some scientists believe that Andy Warhol had Asperger's syndrome, a form of autism.

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New Scientist

Savant art: A window into exceptional minds

See a collection of art created by various prodigious savant artists from around the world – each one chosen because it shines some light on the way the mind of a savant works

Pi Landscape, by Daniel Tammet

Daniel Tammet shot to fame when he set a European record for the number of digits of pi he recited from memory (22,514). He has also learned Icelandic in a week and made up his own language. How does he do it?
Megalopolis 22, by George Widener

Rather than prime numbers, this picture of an imaginary future city shines light on another common savant fascination: calendars.
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The ultimate in photographic memory
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Ping Lian Yeak, Autistic Savant Artist at age 12

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The Boy With The Incredible Brain
This is the breathtaking story of Daniel Tammet. A twenty-something with extraordinary mental abilities, Daniel is one of the world’s few savants.

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  1. Savant syndrome - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  2. YouTube - Savant syndrome, Beautiful minds
  3. HowStuffWorks "Artists with Brain Damage"
  4. Gallery - Savant art: A window into exceptional minds - Image 1 - New Scientist
  5. Gallery - Savant art: A window into exceptional minds - Image 2 - New Scientist
  7. YouTube - Ping Lian Yeak, Autistic Savant Artist at age 12
  8. The Boy With The Incredible Brain
  1. How to unleash your brain's inner genius - life - 03 June 2009 - New Scientist