

Self Closing Flood Barrier Protects US National Archive

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Dutch dike protects national archives in Washington

File this one under ‘no one is a prophet in their own country’. Dutch inventor and painter Johann van den Noort never got any credit for his work in the Netherlands (was nominated once back in 1996), but this month his custom-made water defences are going to be built to protect nothing less than the National Archives of the United States in Washington DC.
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Born in the
Dutch tradition
Self Closing
Flood Barrier

  • No warning system or warning time required - the SCFB rises instantly through the rising water level.
  • No manpower required - the SCFB is not energy driven and operates without any human intervention.
  • The SCFB system offers full protection to commercial and residential communities as long as necessary or required.
  • The SCFB system remains virtually maintenance free for a time length of many years.
  • In resting position, the barrier is invisible and fully self protected.
  • The best price/performance comparison

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Working principle SCFB - Self Closing Flood Barrier

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Van den Noort Innovations
Inventions: focusing men....environment....future!

Johann H.R. van den Noort, Director

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  1. 24 oranges » Dutch dike protects national archives in Washington
  2. Flood Protection with the Self Closing Flood Barrier
  3. SCW Self Closing Waterdam, flood defence system, aqua barrier,high water protecting system
  4. Van den Noort Innovations BV, The Netherlands. Research and development civil engineering.