

CrunchPad -- Touch Screen Web Tablet


Blogger To Release Touch Screen Web Tablet

As a blogger for TechCrunch, Michael Arrington has often pined for a simple, cheap tablet that's made primarily for browsing the Web. He's now putting his money where his mouth is, and has formed a company to sell a Web tablet called the CrunchPad.
New York Times

Apple, Acer and…Arrington?

Michael Arrington, founder of the influential tech blog TechCrunch, has been talking for a year about building a touch-screen tablet for Web surfing. Now, it appears that the CrunchPad is about to become a reality.

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CrunchPad: The Launch Prototype
Compare the images below to the first prototype and you can see how far we’ve come. If you’re interested, here’s Prototype B. Pictures of Prototype C, which is the device we’re actually demo’ing to people now, are here.

Here is the near-final industrial design for the CrunchPad:

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CrunchPad Demo
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CrunchPad Prototype B 1

demonstration of CrunchPad prototype B

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Blogger To Release Touch Screen Web Tablet -- Internet Device -- InformationWeek
Apple, Acer and…Arrington? - Bits Blog -
CrunchPad: The Launch Prototype
YouTube - CrunchPad
YouTube - CrunchPad Prototype B 1
TechCrunch: CrunchPad Web Tablet | Trend.Land
We Want A Dead Simple Web Tablet For $200. Help Us Build It.
Gizmodo - New CrunchPad Prototype Photos and Video - Techcrunch crunchpad
Gizmodo - CrunchPad Web Tablet Landing "As Soon As Possible" for Less Than $300 - crunchpad