


Clipped from: Faster-than-light radio waves could revolutionize computer industries – New Tech Gadgets & Electronic Devices |

Faster-than-light radio waves could revolutionize computer industries

Scientists have been plagued by Einstein’s theories which state nothing can travel faster than light. But over the past decade or so, we have seen a new branch of physics theorized, one which might give Einstein cause for pause. It’s called Superluminal Electromagnetic Field / Wave Propagation, which is basically a form of faster than light relativity. Experiments have been conducted by several scientists which involve light and radio sources traveling at speeds well in excess of the speed of light. Seem possible?

Earlier this year, a physicist called John Singleton created an application of this theory which he believes could greatly advance semiconductors.
Clipped from: Accelerated radio waves: A revolution in semiconductor industry? - Bright Side Of News*

Accelerated radio waves: A revolution in semiconductor industry?

Scientist John Singleton created an interesting device that accelerates the radio waves until they pass the speed of light. Yes, you've read that correctly - by using a process that is similar to the way Pulsar stars emit light - John jerked radio waves until they caved in and passed their theoretical speed barrier.
Singleton stated that usages for his device are enormous: "Because nobody's really thought about things that travel faster than light before, this is a wide-open technological field". This discovery could revolutionize medical, communication, semiconductor, space exploration fields.

Clipped from: LANL scientist makes radio waves travel faster than light

LANL scientist makes radio waves travel faster than light

Most people think Einstein said that nothing can travel faster than the speed of light, but that's not really the case, Singleton said.

Einstein predicted that particles and information can't travel faster than the speed of light — but phenomenon like radio waves? That's a different story, said Singleton, a Los Alamos National Laboratory Fellow.

Singleton has created a gadget that abuses radio waves so severely that they finally give in and travel faster than light.

Photo: This Los Alamos National Laboratory gadget, called a polarization synchrotron, combines radio waves and a rapidly spinning magnetic field, which forces radio waves to travel faster than the speed of light. The resulting phenomenon could lead to new technologies in health and communications.

"Because nobody's really thought about things that travel faster than light before, this is a wide-open technological field," Single ton said.

One possible use for the resulting speedy radio waves — which are packed into a very powerful wave the size of a pencil point — could be the creation of a new generation of cell phones that communicate directly to satellites, rather than transmitting through relay towers as they now do.

  1. Faster-than-light radio waves could revolutionize computer industries – New Tech Gadgets & Electronic Devices |
  2. Accelerated radio waves: A revolution in semiconductor industry? - Bright Side Of News*
  3. LANL scientist makes radio waves
  4. travel faster than light
  1. Device Makes Radio Waves Travel Faster Than Light | Universe Today
  2. [gr-qc/0304090] Near-field Analysis of Superluminally Propagating Electromagnetic and Gravitational Fields
  3. Faster-than-light - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia