

World first Android Netbook- Skytone Alpha680

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Android-based Alpha 680 netbook spotted in the wild

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First Android Netbook

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The first netbook computer running the Google inc. backed Android mobile operating system on a low cost ARM chip will be available to customers within two months that was said by the maker’s co-founder.

Nixon Wu, Skytone’s co-founder told that Guanzou Skytone Tranmission Technologies Co. designs The Alpha 680 and that is on final testing now.

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The Alpha 680 backs up its i.MX31 SoC with 128 to 256MB DDR2 memory, and 1 to 4GB flash. An SD slot is available for expansion. Judging from the photos above, the 7-inch WVGA touchscreen appears to swivel and fold down into a tablet. I/O includes Ethernet, dual USB ports, WiFi, and optional cellular connections via USB dongles, says Skytone. A video camera is also said to be optional. In addition to the QWERTY keyboard, the device offers a touchpad and dual game keys.
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  1. Android-based Alpha 680 netbook spotted in the wild
  2. First Android Netbook | ixibo
  3. Guangzhou Skytone Transmission Technologies Co.,Ltd -- Products
  4. First Android netbooks surface - News - Linux for Devices
  5. YouTube - Wow - World first Android Netbook- Skytone Alpha680 part 1
  6. YouTube - Wow - World first Android Netbook- Skytone Alpha680 - part 2
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