

Faster-Than-Light Space Travel

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Is a Dark-Energy Fueled Spaceship Possible?

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Warp Drives and… Black Holes?

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Could warp drives be a bad thing for Earth?
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Physicists: Faster-Than-Light Travel Might Be Possible

Travel by bubble might seem more appropriate for witches in Oz, but two physicists suggest that a future spaceship could fold a space-time bubble around itself to travel faster than the speed of light.

To Bearly Go?: Baylor physicists propose way to travel faster than light

Baylor University physicists Gerald Cleaver and Richard Obousy have submitted a paper to explaining how an engine could bend the rules of physics to travel faster than the speed of light without violating Einstein’s theory of relativity.

According to Discovery News, the proposal “involves expanding the fabric of space behind a ship into a bubble and shrinking space-time in front of the ship. The ship would rest in between the expanding and shrinking space-time, essentially surfing down the side of the bubble.

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Warp Drive Engine Would Travel Faster Than Light

Tapping the Fabric of Space-Time

The tricky part is that the ship wouldn't actually move; space itself would move underneath the stationary spacecraft. A beam of light next to the ship would still zoom away, same as it always does, but a beam of light far from the ship would be left behind.

That means that the ship would arrive at its destination faster than a beam of light traveling the same distance, but without violating Einstein's relativity, which says that it would take an infinite amount of energy to accelerate an object with mass to the speed of light, since the ship itself isn't actually moving.

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discovery channel

Dark Energy and Surfing Spacetime

warp speed drive richard obousy Alex Szames
Artists conception of a warp drive spacecraft.

robousy: The idea is as follows:

One essentially contracts space itself in front of a spacecraft, and expands space behind.

Because spacetime is not limited by the speed of light restriction, this provides a tantalizing mechanism to zip through space at faster than light speeds!

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Is a Dark-Energy Fueled Spaceship Possible?
Warp Drives and… Black Holes? | - Physicists: Faster-Than-Light Travel Might Be Possible - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News
To Bearly Go?: Baylor physicists propose way to travel faster than light (What's Wrong with the World)
Warp Speed Engine Designed : Discovery News : Discovery Channel
Dark Energy and Surfing Spacetime : Discovery Space
Dr. Richard Obousy - Supersymmetry Breaking Casimir Warp Drive
To Bearly Go?: Baylor physicists propose way to travel faster than light (What's Wrong with the World)
Warp Speed Engine Designed : Discovery News : Discovery Channel
Richard Obousy Consulting :: Physics and Technology Consultant
Spaceflight at warp speed? Make it so -
Traveling Faster Than the Speed of Light
Star Trek-like 'warp drive' theorized
Richardobousy’s Weblog
Surfing Spacetime : Wide Angle : Discovery Space