

TALIS Enterprise Spaceplane

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Enterprise: Designers Present Interior of Spaceplane

Enterprise Spaceplane 01
The Swiss-Italian design team "Architecture and Vision" presents first interior designs of the "Enterprise". The "Enterprise" is a rocket plane, which is developed by the Talis Enterprise group and will fly passengers to suborbital space by the end of 2013.
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TALIS Enterprise AG
Project Enterprise

on the pages of our European space tourism program "Project Enterprise" on our website. The 2004 launched "Project Enterprise" is Europe's first purely private space project without any government involvement.
Our goal is to offer suborbital flights to tourist and scientific purposes in Europe.
Inform yourself on our pages over the content and other objectives of this project and follow its devlopement in the past an the future.

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Enterprise Dez 08 3

Project Enterprise latest video

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  1. Enterprise: Designers Present Interior of Spaceplane | Design News
  2. TALIS Enterprise AG - Project Enterprise
  3. YouTube - european space tourism project
  4. YouTube - Enterprise Dez 08 3
  1. Famous German Chef to Serve Meals on Obscure Space Tourism Vehicle at Parabolic Arc
  2. TALIS Enterprise AG - Home
  3. Architecture and Vision | News » Blog Archive » Press Announcement:first concept of Enterprise
  4. Enterprise - Designers Present Interior of Spaceplane | Dexigner
  5. Project Enterprise by Talis Enterprise Switzerland/Germany