

The Power of Negative Subliminal Messages

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British Broadcasting Corporation

Negative subliminal messages work

People can perceive subliminal messages, particularly if the message is negative, according to a UK study.


In three experiments at University College London, participants were briefly shown masked words and asked to classify them as emotional or neutral.

The Independent

Power of the hidden message revealed

Volunteers were shown a series of positive, negative and neutral words, such as "cheerful", "despair" or "box", for as little as 17 milliseconds – far too quick for the mind to perceive conventionally – and asked to decide whether or not each word had an emotional value.

Where the volunteers correctly identified a word as emotional – for example "flower", "peace", "agony" or "murder" – they were more efficient at picking out those with a negative meaning. In one test, where participants were shown each word for just 33 milliseconds, negative words were correctly spotted 77 per cent of the time, as opposed to 59 per cent for positive terms.

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Coca Cola

Coca Cola

In the 1950s, market researcher James Vicary claimed he could get more cinemagoers to drink Coca-Cola by flashing messages on the screen for a fraction of a second. He claimed sales of the soft drink jumped 58 per cent, but later admitted that the stunt was a fabrication.



In 2007, the appearance of a McDonald's logo in one frame of the Iron Chef America TV series led to accusations of subliminal advertising. The Food Network said it was an accidental glitch.

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Subliminal message
A subliminal message is a signal or message embedded in another medium, designed to pass below the normal limits of the human mind's perception. These messages are unrecognizable by the conscious mind, but in certain situations can affect the subconscious mind and can negatively or positively influence subsequent later thoughts, behaviors, actions, attitudes, belief systems and value systems.
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A collection of subliminal messages in advertising...

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  1. BBC NEWS | Health | Negative subliminal messages work
  2. Power of the hidden message revealed - News, TV & Radio - The Independent
  3. Coca Cola In the 1950s, market researcher James Vicary claimed he could get m...
  4. Macdonald's In 2007, the appearance of a McDonald's logo in one frame of the ...
  5. Subliminal message - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  6. YouTube - Subliminal Messages
  1. Subliminal advertising really does work, claim scientists - Telegraph
  2. Subliminal Messaging Works Best When the Message is Negative - subliminal messages - io9
  3. Key to subliminal messaging is to keep it negative, study shows (9/28/2009)
  4. Negative Subliminal Messages More Effective - Econwatch - CBS News
  5. TG Daily - Be afraid... the message of subliminal advertising
  6. subliminal message - Google Search


Phase Change Memory -- Samsung announces 512Mbit PRAM

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Phase-change memory

Phase-change memory (also known as PCM, PRAM, PCRAM, Ovonic Unified Memory, Chalcogenide RAM and C-RAM) is a type of non-volatile computer memory. PRAM uses the unique behavior of chalcogenide glass, which can be "switched" between two states, crystalline and amorphous, with the application of heat. Recent versions can achieve two additional distinct states, effectively doubling its storage capacity. PRAM is one of a number of new memory technologies that are attempting to compete in the non-volatile role with the almost universal Flash memory, which has a number of practical problems these replacements hope to address.

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clipped from - Covering Everything Mobile

Samsung Electronics Co has announced that it has completed the first working prototype of what is expected to be the fast performance memory device of the future.
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press releases

SAMSUNG Announces Production Start-up of its Next-generation Nonvolatile Memory PRAM

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  1. Phase-change memory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  2. YouTube - Phase Change Memory
  3. YouTube - Phase Change Memory (PCM) animation
  4. YouTube - Phase Change Memory
  5. Samsung announces 512Mbit PRAM (Phase-Change Ram) : Specs, reviews and prices.
  6. SAMSUNG Semiconductor - About Us - News
  7. YouTube - Phase Change Memory 101
  1. Phase Change Memory on the Way as Early as This Year » The UberReview
  2. Faster than Flash, Meltable Phase-Change Device Memory Is Finally in Production | Popular Science
  3. Samsung Commences Production of 512Mb Phase Change Memory -- Tech-On!


LittleDog -- Boston Dynamics' Legged Locomotion Learning Robot (videos)

LittleDog - The Legged Locomotion Learning Robot
LittleDog is a quadruped robot designed for research on learning locomotion. Scientists at leading institutions use LittleDog to probe the fundamental relationships among motor learning, dynamic control, perception of the environment, and rough-terrain locomotion.
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February 26, 2007
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September 18, 2007
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August 21, 2008
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February 16, 2009
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June 19, 2009
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September 20, 2009
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Boston Dynamics

Boston Dynamics is a small engineering and robotics design company best known for the development of BigDog, a quadruped robot designed for the U.S. military with funding from DARPA,[1] and DI-Guy, COTS software for realistic human simulation. Early in the company's history, it worked with the American Systems Corporation under a contract from the Naval Air Warfare Center Training Systems Division (NAWCTSD) to replace naval training videos for aircraft launch operations with interactive 3D computer simulations featuring DI-Guy characters.[2]

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  1. Boston Dynamics: Dedicated to the Science and Art of How Things Move.
  2. LittleDog.png (PNG Image, 510x343 pixels)
  3. LittleDog_Render.png (PNG Image, 512x343 pixels)
  4. YouTube - LittleDog de Boston Dynamics
  5. YouTube - LittleDog Robot
  6. YouTube - LittleDog at MIT
  7. YouTube - LittleDog
  8. YouTube - 090619 LL IHMC Phase3 Compilation
  9. YouTube - LittleDog Clips and Outtakes
  10. Boston Dynamics - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  1. Stumbling, Bumbling LittleDog Can Tiptoe Across Tops of Cylinders | Popular Science
  2. LittleDog Navigates Ruff Terrain | BotJunkie
  3. LittleDog | BotJunkie
  4. Katie Byl
  5. News Office
  6. Boston Dynamics: Dedicated to the Science and Art of How Things Move.


A Prototype Detector for Dark Matter

Prototype Developed To Detect Dark Matter

ScienceDaily (Sep. 25, 2009) — A team of researchers from the University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR) and the Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS, in France) has developed a "scintillating bolometer" -- a device that the scientists will use in efforts to detect the dark matter of the universe, and which has been tested at the Canfranc Underground Laboratory in Huesca, Spain.

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This is the BGO scintillator crystal (right, blue) and germanium disc (left)
Image comment: This is the BGO scintillator crystal (right, blue) and germanium disc (left)
Image credits: IAS / SINC
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This is the experimental arrangement in the Underground Laboratory Canfranc
Image comment: This is the experimental arrangement in the Underground Laboratory Canfranc
Image credits: IAS / SINC

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Dark matter

In astronomy and cosmology, dark matter is hypothetical matter that is undetectable by its emitted radiation, but whose presence can be inferred from gravitational effects on visible matter.[1] According to present observations of structures larger than galaxies, as well as Big Bang cosmology, dark matter and dark energy could account for the vast majority of the mass in the observable universe.

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Strong gravitational lensing as observed by the Hubble Space Telescope in Abell 1689 indicates the presence of dark matter
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File:COSMOS 3D dark matter map.jpg
3D map of the large-scale distribution of dark matter, reconstructed from measurements of weak gravitational lensing with the Hubble Space Telescope.
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Estimated distribution of dark matter and dark energy in the universe
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A bolometer is a device for measuring the energy of incident electromagnetic radiation. It was invented in 1878 by the American astronomer Samuel Pierpont Langley.

* Mas información: vídeo de la noticia

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  1. Prototype Developed To Detect Dark Matter
  2. Dark Matter Detection-Device Prototype Created - It could find out if the stuff exists once and for all - Softpedia
  3. Dark Matter Detection-Device Prototype Created - image 1 detail - Softpedia
  4. Dark Matter Detection-Device Prototype Created - image 2 detail - Softpedia
  5. Dark matter - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  6. Bolometer - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  7. Desarrollan un prototipo para detectar materia oscura / Noticias / SINC - Servicio de Información y Noticias Científicas
  8. FECYT. Spanish Science and Technology Foundation.
  9. Institut d'astrophysique spatiale - Content_mic
  1. Desarrollan un prototipo para detectar materia oscura / Galería vídeos / SINC - Servicio de Información y Noticias Científicas
  2. Prototype developed to detect dark matter
  3. A Prototype Detector for Dark Matter in the Milky Way | Universe Today
  4. Prototype developed to detect dark matter
  5. Prototype Developed To Detect Dark Matter - Space News - redOrbit
  6. SpringerLink - Journal Article
  7. ScienceDirect - Optical Materials : A BGO scintillating bolometer as dark matter detector prototype