Mark Shriver, an anthropologist and geneticist at Pennsylvania State University, has also set himself a daunting challenge: Trying to construct a "picture" of a person's face by analyzing DNA. He calls the technique "forensic molecular photo fitting," and it is supported by a $500,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Justice.
His team collected DNA samples and photographs from 243 people, including many from the Penn State campus, and used computer techniques to correlate the genes with his subjects' facial features. They have found six genes that seem to influence such traits. One gene is associated with the height of the face; another is associated with its width. Yet another gene affects the shape of the lips and the nose. By piecing together these elements, Prof. Shriver hopes to create a modern-day version of the police artist sketch.
Anthropological Genomics Lab
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- DNA Aids Forensic Experts - Science News - redOrbit
- DNA sample may be enough to build an image of your face - The Irish Times - Mon, Feb 16, 2009
- DNA left at crime scene could be used to create picture of criminal's FACE, say scientists | Mail Online
- Genes Draw Likeness of Suspects - WSJ.com
- Department of Anthropology at Penn State