

Marshall Hydrothermal Recovery System -- Deep-Ocean Renewable Energy

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Hydrothermal vent

A hydrothermal vent is a fissure in a planet's surface from which geothermally heated water issues. Hydrothermal vents are commonly found near volcanically active places, areas where tectonic plates are moving apart, ocean basins, and hotspots.

Hydrothermal vents are locally very common because the earth is both geologically active and has large amounts of water on its surface and within its crust. Common land types include hot springs, fumaroles and geysers. [...]

A black smoker, a type of hydrothermal vent

Clipped from: Marshall Hydrothermal Recovery System - Video

See the only system ever patented that allows the awesome power of deep-ocean hydrothermal vents to be used to generate electricity on a massive scale.

Clipped from: Welcome To Marshall Hydrothermal

Deep below the surface of the world's oceans, lies a vast and inexhaustible energy source, completely untouched by humans. Capable of providing enough power to make 20 GW+ generating stations a realistic expectation, its exploitation has only been awaiting the moment that a practical means of utilizing it could be developed.

As the plates separate from each other, magma rises from within the earth to fill the gap.

A "black smoker". The "black smoke" consists of an abundance of dark, fine-grained suspended particles of various metals and minerals that precipitate when mixed with the cold seawater and rain down onto the sea floor below.

The energy available is simply immense, far beyond anything ever before harnessed by mankind. National Geographic estimates the energy escaping from just the known vents to be 17,000,000 MW, an amount that approximates all human consumption on the planet, and there are tens of thousands of kilometers of ridge system that have never even been explored.
Southern California inventor Bruce C. Marshall has patented the first practical system for commercializing the energy flowing from these vents. Called the Marshall Hydrothermal Recovery System, it literally has the potential of revolutionizing electric power generation worldwide.

The Marshall System's base is constructed of highly stable circles and triangles. The horizontal support arms only take the weight of the one section of pipe to which it is attached. The first section of pipe at the top of the cone is the one that takes the weight of the column of pipe to be built above. It would be constructed on land or aboard a ship and then lowered into place as a complete unit. The intake pipe is placed as deep down into the vent as possible, to recover the highest temperature fluid. Anchors can be drilled through the bottom ring and into the seabed below for additional stability.

The complete Marshall Hydrothermal Recovery System, showing electric generation, water desalination, and mining facilities operating together.

In this closed loop configuration, the Marshall System does not actually bring the hydrothermal fluid to the surface. Instead, hydrothermal vents heat a clean working fluid through a heat exchanger, which is then returned for reheating after its energy has been extracted on a platform similar to an oil platform.

Hydrothermal vent - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
File:Nur04506.jpg - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Marshall Hydrothermal Recovery System - Video
Welcome To Marshall Hydrothermal
Welcome To Marshall Hydrothermal
Mining Hydrothermal Vents For Renewable Electricity, Drinking Water + Valuable Minerals : CleanTechnica