

Touchable Holography

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Japan scientists create 3-D images you can touch

TOKYO (Reuters Life!) - Imagine a light switch or a book that appears only when you need it -- Japanese scientists are one step closer to making the stuff of sci-fi films into reality after creating a hologram that can also be felt.

"Up until now, holography has been for the eyes only, and if you'd try to touch it, your hand would go right through," Hiroyuki Shinoda, professor at Tokyo university and one of the developers of the technology, told Reuters.

"But now we have a technology that also adds the sensation of touch to holograms."

SIGGRAPH 2009 / Emerging Technologies:
Touchable Holography
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Touchable holograms could be used for a wide variety of things... everything from light switches to books with each appearing when needed, and then disappearing when not.

And holograms could replace the need for making new interfaces for technology, since they could be changed without having to make a new physical product.

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  1. Japan scientists create 3-D images you can touch | Lifestyle | Reuters
  2. Touchable Holography
  3. YouTube - Touchable Holography
  4. YouTube - Japanese Scientists Create Touchable Holograms
  1. Japanese Scientists Create Touchable Holograms – New Tang Dynasty Television
  2. Emerging Technologies | Galleries & Experiences | SIGGRAPH 2009
  3. Tokyo Scientists Create Touchable Hologram | Popular Science
  4. Touchable Holography: New projector lets you “touch” 3D objects with your hands (video)
  5. Touchable Holography? Almost. » Coolest Gadgets
  6. BBC NEWS | Technology | Ultrasound to give feel to games