

Oogst by Tjep -- Farm of the Future

Clipped from: Farm of the Future -

Farm of the Future

Tjep. designs three new self-sustaining farm (yes farm) concepts for a self-initiated project called Oogst meaning Harvest in Dutch.

How can we, as designers, contribute to the fundamental developments that are taking place in Dutch agricultural research? Is self-sufficiency the path towards a more ecological sustainable society? And if so, on what scale is it workable?

These are some of the issues that Tjep. is trying to address in their new project Oogst, meaning Harvest in Dutch. Oogst comprises three new proposal for farms that combine the latest technology with regards to self-sustaining living and agricultural systems, and design. Each closed-system supplies its own energy and water supply and recycles waste and carbon, with food grown in a greenhouse and in the surrounds where possible.

Clipped from: About Oogst


In October 2008, Tjep. initiated an investigation into new developments in the agricultural sector. What we came across were radical ideas with regards to self-sufficiency, capable of getting us quite a bit closer to the concept of a sustainable society.


The first concept is a farm for one person:

Oogst 1 Solo

The second is a farm for one hundred people:

Oogst 100 Community

The third farm for a thousand people:

Oogst 1000 Wonderland

Clipped from: Oogst 1
Oogst 1 Solo is a house for one person that provides its resident with food, energy, heat and oxygen. In principle, one could live in Oogst 1 Solo without ever having to leave the house.

Oogst 1 Solo has a cross-shaped floor plan. The heart is the living area, with the kitchen, bathroom, storage room, living-room and at the top, the bedroom. The biggest part is reserved for the greenhouse and one section is reserved for all the recycling process such as seen in the Greenhouse Village.

Clipped from: Oogst 100
Oogst Community 100 is a self-sufficient farm for 100 people. The residents are all farmers. In the central greenhouse, all necessary crops are grown, the surrounding fields are for livestock.

The central windmill provides all the necessary energy, there is a water-well under the windmill. But clean water is mainly collected condensed water from the greenhouse.

Clipped from: Oogst 1000

Oogst 1000 Wonderland is a self-sufficient farm, restaurant, hotel and amusement park for 1,000 people per day. All food for the restaurant comes from the central structure and directly adjacent fields. Oogst 1000 combines extreme fun with extreme usefulness. One can see this amusement park as a huge people processor. Hotel guests are also the farmers, when you work, you can stay for free.

  1. Farm of the Future -
  2. About Oogst
  3. Oogst 1
  4. Oogst 100
  5. Oogst 1000
  1. A Rube Goldberg Amusement Park for Sustainable Living | Design & Innovation | Fast Company
  2. Greenwala - Oogst -- Living In A Self-Sustaining Habitrail Of Happiness
  3. Dezeen » Blog Archive » Oogst 1 Solo by Tjep.
  4. Dezeen » Blog Archive » Oogst 100 Community by Tjep.
  5. Oogst 100 Community By Tjep | IGreenSpot
  6. Dezeen » Blog Archive » Oogst 1000 Wonderland by Tjep.
  7. tjep: oogst 1000 wonderland