

Paper-Based Thin-Film Batteries

Technology Review - Published By MIT
A Salt and Paper Battery

The simple, non-polluting battery could be used in compact devices.

Researchers at Uppsala University in Sweden have made a flexible battery using two common, cheap ingredients: cellulose and salt. The lightweight, rechargeable battery uses thin pieces of paper--pressed mats of tangled cellulose fibers--for electrodes, while a salt solution acts as the electrolyte.

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Nano Letters

Ultrafast All-Polymer Paper-Based Batteries

Abstract Image

The key to the discovery lies in the way in which the algae, Cladophora, produce a unique type of cellulose with a very large surface area (approximately 80 square meters of surface area per gram of material).

Uppsala universitet

Nanotechnology and Functional Materials

Welcome to the division for Nanotechnology and Functional Materials. We are a part of the Department for Engineering sciences and situated at the Ångström Laboratory. The division was established in 2004 and is headed by prof. Maria Strømme.

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  1. Technology Review: A Salt and Paper Battery
  2. Ultrafast All-Polymer Paper-Based Batteries - Nano Letters (ACS Publications)
  3. Swedish Researchers Discover Algae-Based, Non-Metallic Batteries | Alt Dot Energy
  4. Nanotechnology and Functional Materials