Solar shingles
Solar shingles, also called photovoltaic shingles, are photovoltaic cells designed to look like conventional asphalt shingles. There are several varieties of solar shingles, including shingle-sized solid panels that take the place of a number of conventional shingles in a strip, semi-rigid designs containing several silicon solar cells that are sized more like conventional shingles, and newer systems using various thin film solar cell technologies that match conventional shingles both in size and flexibility.
Dow Powerhouse solar panels look like ordinary rooftop shingles
Dow Solar Solutions figured out a way to make solar panels look just like regular roofing shingles. Dow is launching these Powerhouse Solar Shingles next year, claiming they'll be 30 to 40% cheaper than other solar panels that look like roofing tiles. The company said the shingles will be more than 10% efficient, but cost around 15% less on a per-watt basis.
The new shingles use a thin film of copper indium gallium diselenide (CIGS) to capture solar energy. As a result, the cells which are encased in molded plastic are relatively flexible, unlike their photovoltaic cousins. And while these elements (such as indium) are quite expensive in bulk, they're used extremely sparingly, keeping costs low.
Dow Unveils Impressive New Powerhouse Solar Shingle (with Photos)
Product Overview
What will the benefits of the BIPV Shingle be?
- Lower system cost
- Improved aesthetics
- Easier installation
- Long-lasting performance
- Solar shingles - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
- Dow Powerhouse solar panels look like ordinary rooftop shingles | DVICE
- DailyTech - Dow Puts Traditional Panels to Shame With New Solar Shingle
- Dow Unveils Impressive New Powerhouse Solar Shingle (with Photos)
- Dow Solar Solutions
- Solar Within Reach
- Dow Steps Out Into The Sun With POWERHOUSE™ Solar Shingles : TreeHugger
- Solar Shingles | Home Technology | This Old House - 1
- Greentech Media: Dow To Roofers: Our Solar Shingles Are Coming
- On Rooftops, A Newly Attractive Form of Solar Power | BNET Energy Blog | BNET
- Three Manufacturers of Solar Shingles
- Inhabitat » Researchers Unveil Flexible Solar Cell Roof Shingles
- Inhabitat » SolĂ© Power Tiles: Curved Solar Shingles Make Installation Easy
- UPDATE 2-Dow to sell solar shingle, sees huge market | Industries | Financial Services | Reuters