

Eyeballs Control

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Researchers Turn to Eyeballs to Control Devices

Researchers at NTT DoCoMo have developed a set of prototype in-ear headphones that can detect and measures changes in the body's electrical state that take place when your eyes move, and have harnessed this technology to control the music player on a mobile phone.

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Mail Online

Introducing the gadgets you can control with your eyes


A researcher for NTT DoCoMo demonstrates how to control a digital music player with his eyes in Tokyo

The new technology from Japanese mobile giant NTT DoCoMo may also enable cell phone cameras to read bar codes to get product information, download music and coupons when the user simply looks at the codes.

'We are working on a cell phone of the future,' Masaaki Fukumoto, executive research engineer at NTT said.

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CEATEC: Eyeballs control a cell phone

NTT DoCoMo showed a set of prototype in-ear headphones that can detect and measures changes in the body's electrical state when your eyes move.
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  1. Researchers Turn to Eyeballs to Control Devices - PC World
  2. Introducing the gadgets you can control with your eyes | Mail Online
  3. YouTube - CEATEC: Eyeballs control a cell phone
  1. Researchers Turn to Eyeballs to Control Devices by PC World: Yahoo! Tech
  2. CEATEC: Researchers turn to eyeballs to control devices - ceatec 2009, headphones, nttdocomo - CIO
  3. Control your Gadgets by Sensing Electrical Signals from Eye Movements - Hacked Gadgets - DIY Tech Blog