

First Universal Programmable Quantum Computer

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Scientists Test First Universal Programmable Quantum Computer

Physicists have been taking baby steps toward creating a full-fledged quantum computer faster and more powerful than any computer in existence, by making quantum processors capable of performing individual tasks. Now a group at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) has developed the world's first universal programmable quantum computer that can run any program that's possible under the rules of quantum mechanics.

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First Universal Two-Qubit quantum processor created


This processor could prove to be a major breakthrough for a future quantum computer, that could very well be the ‘evolutionary leap’ in the computers’ life thus resulting the possible solve of problems that are untouchable today. The discovery was presented in the latest edition of Nature Physics and this marks the first time anybody has moved beyond asking a single task from a quantum computer.

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Realization of a programmable two-qubit quantum processor

D. Hanneke, J. P. Home, J. D. Jost, J. M. Amini, D. Leibfried, D. J. Wineland
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National Institute of Standards and Technology. Working with industry to foster innnovation, trade, security and jobs
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Ion Storage Group
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David Hanneke
Quantum Mechanic
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David Hanneke

NIST postdoctoral researcher David Hanneke at the laser table used to demonstrate the first universal programmable processor for a potential quantum computer. A pair of beryllium ions (charged atoms) that hold information in the processor are trapped inside the cylinder at the lower right. A colorized image of the two ions is displayed on the monitor in the background.

“This is the first time anyone has demonstrated a programmable quantum processor for more than one qubit,” says NIST postdoctoral researcher David Hanneke, first author of the paper. “It’s a step toward the big goal of doing calculations with lots and lots of qubits. The idea is you’d have lots of these processors, and you’d link them together.

The NIST processor stores binary information (1s and 0s) in two beryllium ions (electrically charged atoms), which are held in an electromagnetic trap and manipulated with ultraviolet lasers. Two magnesium ions in the trap help cool the beryllium ions.

NIST scientists can manipulate the states of each beryllium qubit, including placing the ions in a “superposition” of both 1 and 0 values at the same time, a significant potential advantage of information processing in the quantum world. Scientists also can “entangle” the two qubits, a quantum phenomenon that links the pair’s properties even when the ions are physically separated.

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  1. Scientists Test First Universal Programmable Quantum Computer | Popular Science
  2. First Universal Two-Qubit quantum processor created | ZME Science
  3. Home : Nature Physics
  4. Access : Realization of a programmable two-qubit quantum|[nbsp]|processor : Nature Physics
  5. National Institute of Standards and Technology
  6. NIST Ion Storage Group
  7. David Hanneke
  8. NIST Tech Beat - November 17, 2009
  1. Scientists Make Breakthrough With First Programmable Quantum Processor - quantum processor - Gizmodo
  2. Giz Explains: Why Quantum Computing Is the Future (But a Distant One) - quantum computer - Gizmodo
  3. First universal programmable quantum computer unveiled - tech - 15 November 2009 - New Scientist
  4. Quantum computers are coming – just don't ask when - tech - 21 September 2009 - New Scientist