

Superhydrophobic Materials

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Superhydrophobic surfaces such as the leaves of the lotus plant have surfaces that are highly hydrophobic, i.e., extremely difficult to wet. The contact angles of a water droplet exceeds 150° and the roll-off angle is less than 10°.[1] This is referred to as the Lotus effect.

The Physical Basis

To understand the physics behind the Lotus-Effect, one has to take a look the
forces that act upon a drop of liquid on a surface.

A droplet on a hydrophilic rough surface seems to sink into the gaps

A droplet on a rough hydrophobic surface sitting on the spikes

Self-Cleaning Properties
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 superhydrophobic materials
Left to right: Water on a lotus leaf; Surface microstructure of the lotus leaf; ORNL "Nano-
Cones" on glass.

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Super hydrophobic substances

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Axisymmetric droplet impinging on a hydrophobic surface
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Hydration Shell Dynamics of a Hydrophobic Particle

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Some insect wings, for example, are superhydrophobic, which is the combined result of their chemistry and the detailed nanoscale structures on their surface.
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  1. Superhydrophobe - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  2. The Lotus Effect
  3. Advanced Materials: Superhydrophobic Materials
  4. YouTube - Super hydrophobic substances
  5. Axisymmetric droplet impinging on a hydrophobic surface
  6. YouTube - Hydration Shell Dynamics of a Hydrophobic Particle
  7. medtechinsider » Blog Archive » Self-Cleaning Silicone Gel Could Open New Possibilities for Medical Diagnostics
  1. Science Centric | News | Self-cleaning silicone gel insect wings
  2. Super Water Repellent, Superhydrophobic, Material from ORNL Easy to Fabricate and Uses Inexpensive Base Materials
  3. New Super-Hydrophobic Material Could Revolutionize the Water Repellent Market - Associated Content -