

Global Warming Visualizations

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Google Earth Climate Introductory Tour (short version)

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Global Climate Change Visualisation

This is a data visualisation showing the change in temperature across the world over the last 200+ years. It is based on the data released by the UK's Met Office in Dec 2009.

More information regarding this, along with the source code to the visualisation is available at
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NASA | Taking Earth's Temperature

For more information visit
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5-Year Average Global Temperature Anomalies - 1880 to 2008

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Climate Change ... Global Warming ... Global Cooling
A history of climate change and the IPCC, including:

a) IPCC admits that the world is emerging from the Little Ice Age.
b) IPCC claims that recent data can be used to validate its models ... 10 years of cooling shows that the IPCC models are wrong.
c) Data is presented showing that claims of recent "unprecedented" warming are wrong.

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  1. YouTube - Google Earth Climate Introductory Tour (short version)
  2. Global Climate Change Visualisation on Vimeo
  3. YouTube - NASA | Taking Earth's Temperature
  4. Dailymotion - 5-Year Average Global Temperature Anomalies - 1880 to 2008 - a Tech & Science video
  5. Climate Change ... Global Warming ... Global Cooling on Vimeo
  1. Scientific Visualization Studio: Gallery of Animations
  2. Flink Labs | Data Visualisation | Climate Data
  3. Data Visualization Activism: Showing the Trends in Global Temperature - information aesthetics
  4. #climatedata