

The BeBook Neo E-Reader

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BeBook Neo ereader: WiFi and Wacom touchscreen

It’s obviously the day for wireless ebook readers, with BeBook announcing that they’re taking preorders for their new BeBook Neo ereader. Packing a 6-inch E Ink panel with a Wacom touchscreen, the Neo may not have integrated 3G like some rivals we’ve seen, but it does get WiFi for accessing a range of third-party ebook stores.
bebook neo
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Introducing BeBook Neo

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A new star is born: the BeBook Neo

World's first WiFi ereader with access to eBook stores worldwide.

Endless Ideas is proud to announce our new eReader: The BeBook Neo.
After our successful models 'BeBook One' and the pocket sized 'BeBook Mini' we collected suggestions from our customers and packed them into a new attractive eReader.
The BeBook Neo is using the latest patented ePaper E Ink technology for an amazing reading experience. Read anything, anytime, anywhere. The powerfull processor offers unparallelled reading and browsing speeds. BeBook Neo´s powerful battery allows up to 7000 pageturns on a full charge.

Unique features.
  • Easy eBook store access: Simply go to the Neo eBook portal and a worldmap will appear. Just click on your country and you will see a clear overview of third party eBook stores. The best part is that YOU decide where YOU want to purchase eBooks.

  • Connect to the Internet through WIFI. Besides shopping for eBooks online, you can access Google and Wikipedia on the go.

  • The BeBook Neo is the fastest eReader currently on the market. Offering up to 2,5 times faster browsing and operating speeds, due to its powerful Freescale processor.

  • The Neo features the latest WACOM touchpanel technology, which provides a very fast and more natural reading experience. The touch screen allows you to use your BeBook Neo for sketching, annotations and text mark-up; ideal for educational and business purposes.

  • The open architecture of the BeBook Neo makes it possible to expand its capabilities. Keep an eye on for firmware updates. We have some very cool features planned for the near future.
Popular file formats.

Just like our previous models most popular file formats can be read, including 'ePub' and 'PDF' (both with and without Adobe DRM), txt and even popular picture file formats, like JPG, are included.

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Reading on the BeBook Neo

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Internet browsing BeBook Neo

blog it
  1. BeBook Neo ereader: WiFi and Wacom touchscreen - SlashGear
  2. YouTube - Introducing BeBook Neo
  3. Introducing the BeBook Neo: press release
  4. YouTube - Reading on the BeBook Neo
  5. YouTube - Internet browsing BeBook Neo
  1. Ebook Reader, Ereader, Ebooks, BeBook Neo, Wifi Ereader, touchscreen BeBook -
  2. BeBook Neo E-Reader Offers Pre-Orders, Features WiFi And WACOM
  3. The BeBook Neo | Ian P. Christian's Personal Blog
  4. BeBook Neo Landing Sometime In March | Gizmodo Australia
  5. BeBook Neo e-reader launches with WiFi and WACOM capabilities -- Engadget