

Aquamarine Power's Oyster Wave Energy Converter

Clipped from: ‘Oyster’ System is a New Way to Harness the Power of Waves | Inhabitat

‘Oyster’ System is a New Way to Harness the Power of Waves

Recently Edinburgh-based company Aquamarine Power unveiled plans to install a new type of wave power system in place in the seabed off the Orkney Islands coast.

Clipped from: Press Releases - Aquamarine Power unveils plan for Oyster 2 — Aquamarine Power


8 Feb 2010
Last week, Aquamarine Power secured £5.1 million of public funding to support the manufacture of the Oyster 2 device.  The company received the grant from the Marine Renewables Proving Fund (MRPF), a £22 million initiative funded by the UK Government’s Department of Energy and Climate Change (DECC) and managed by the Carbon Trust. The fund aims to accelerate the leading and most promising marine energy devices towards the point where they can qualify for the UK Government’s existing Marine Renewables Deployment Fund support scheme and, ultimately, be deployed on a commercial scale.

Clipped from: Technologies — Aquamarine Power

Oyster® is a simple mechanical hinged flap connected to the seabed at around 10m depth. Each passing wave moves the flap, driving hydraulic pistons to deliver high pressure water via a pipeline to an onshore electrical turbine. Multiple Oyster® devices are designed to be deployed in utility-scale wave farms typically of 100MW or more.
Oyster® will combine high efficiency and survivability with low cost operations, maintenance and manufacture to produce reliable cost-competitive electricity from the waves for the first time.

  1. ‘Oyster’ System is a New Way to Harness the Power of Waves | Inhabitat
  2. Press Releases - Aquamarine Power unveils plan for Oyster 2 — Aquamarine Power
  3. Technologies — Aquamarine Power
  4. YouTube - Aquamarine Power 'Oyster' device
  5. YouTube - Aquamarine Power - Oyster wave energy device - How It Works
  1. Wave power - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
  2. Wave Power - Energy from ocean surface waves
  3. YouTube - Ocean Wave Power Plant
  4. Aquamarine Power
  5. Renewable Energy Focus - Aquamarine Power: £5.1m for wave device Oyster 2
  6. Aquamarine Power to focus on wave but ditch tidal energy - Wave/Tidal/Hydro - Renewable energy news - Recharge - wind, solar, biofuels, wave/tidal/hydro and geothermal