

All-Optical Switching and Computing

Clipped from: Breakthrough in All-Optical Processing Could Bring Terabit Data Speed

Breakthrough in All-Optical Processing Could Bring Terabit Data Speeds

Toward Faster Signal Processing Georgia Tech professor Seth Marder, center, and his colleagues have worked for several years to optimize the right molecules with a unique set of properties that could open the door to blazing fast all-optical processing speeds.

Clipped from: GT | Photonic Material May Facilitate All-Optical Switching and Computing

Photonic Material May Facilitate All-Optical Switching and Computing

A class of molecules whose size, structure and chemical composition have been optimized for photonic use could provide the demanding combination of properties needed to serve as the foundation for low-power, high-speed all-optical signal processing.
All-optical switching could allow dramatic speed increases in telecommunications by eliminating the need to convert photonic signals to electronic signals – and back – for switching. All-optical processing could also facilitate photonic computers with similar speed advances.
“This work provides proof that at least from a molecular point of view, we can identify and produce materials that have the right properties for all-optical processing,” said Seth Marder, a professor in the Georgia Tech School of Chemistry and Biochemistry and co-author of the paper. “This opens the door for looking at this issue in an entirely different way.”

Clipped from: Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics


COPE is a premier national research center that creates organic photonic and electronic materials and devices serving the information technology, energy, and defense sectors.

Clipped from: Georgia Tech :: Chemistry & Biochemistry :: Faculty :: Seth Marder

Seth Marder

Director of the Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics (COPE)

Research Interests

Organic, Materials, Organometallic, and Optical Science.
[...] In particular, we seek to develop a fundamental understanding of how to control the interactions of light and matter, and use this understanding to design and synthesize molecules and material for applications in photonics, materials processing, biology, and medicine.

Clipped from: Georgia Tech :: Chemistry & Biochemistry :: Faculty :: Joseph Perry

Joseph Perry


Research Interests

Physical, Polymer and Materials Chemistry; Optical Science
[...] In particular, we seek to develop a fundamental understanding of how to control the interactions of light and matter, and use this understanding to design and synthesize molecules and material for applications in photonics, materials processing, biology, and medicine.

  1. Breakthrough in All-Optical Processing Could Bring Terabit Data Speeds | Popular Science
  2. GT | Photonic Material May Facilitate All-Optical Switching and Computing
  3. Center for Organic Photonics and Electronics
  4. Georgia Tech :: Chemistry & Biochemistry :: Faculty :: Seth Marder
  5. Georgia Tech :: Chemistry & Biochemistry :: Faculty :: Joseph Perry
  1. Georgia Institute of Technology
  2. New photonic material may facilitate all-optical switching and computing | Science Codex
  3. New photonic material may facilitate all-optical switching and computing
  4. New photonic material may facilitate all-optical switching and computing