

Microsoft Project Gustav -- The Digital Painting Experience

MSR Gustav Gustav is an eXtreme Computing Group project aimed at producing painting software that is easy to use, leverages the multiple cores of future computers, and provides a natural, immersive user experience.

Microsoft Research

Project Gustav: Immersive Digital Painting

Typically the experience of painting on a computer is nothing like painting in the real world. Real painting is actually a very complex phenomenon – a 3D brush consisting of thousands of individually deforming bristles, interacting with viscous fluid paint and a rough-surfaced canvas to create rich, complex strokes. Until fairly recently, the amount of computing power available on a typical home computer simply hasn't been sufficient to attempt simulating such a real-world painting experience in any detail. Project Gustav aims to leverage the increasing power of the PC and ever faster graphics processors and combine that with a natural user interface, to bring a rich painting experience to a wide audience including hobbyists and professionals alike. The result is a prototype system that contains some of the world’s most advanced algorithms for natural painting.

  1. Microsoft PressPass - Image Gallery:
  2. Project Gustav: Immersive Digital Painting - Microsoft Research
  3. YouTube - Microsoft Project Gustav
  4. YouTube - Project Gustav: Immersive Digital Painting
  1. Project Gustav: Microsoft Research Updates MS Paint In a Huge Way - Project gustav - Gizmodo
  2. Video: Microsoft's Project Gustav
  3. Project Gustav to push aside Microsoft Paint (video)
  4. - Microsoft's "Project Gustav", paint pictures on your PC with a brush
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