

SUPERBIEN 2D/3D Animated Graphic Designs

Envision: Step Into The Sensory Box
An experience-based video mapping designed by the agency and the Department Superbien New Media Agency / Auditorium. The public was invited into a cube and discover an artistic vision of the tagline of the event: Transforming the Mobile Experience.
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Lighting Design and Light Art Magazine Image    Patachromo by Superbien patachromo6
PATACHROMO™ is a light installation whose animated content is based on the concepts of CHROMOtherapy which is seen through PATAphysics prism. This program is presented through a sequence of 2 minute-long light animation slots. It enables you to tackle the wintry greyness with serenity thanks to the exposure of your chakras to a healing light given out by a 6.65 sq meter LED support.
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Street Art

The Cloud by SuperBien

Friends of SuperBien collective send us some pics and a video of "The cloud", a nice atmospheric installation they just did in Paris during the Nuit Blanche 2009.
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  1. Envision: Step Into The Sensory Box - Simplicity in form with dimensional color to create the sublime.. | CreativeApplications.Net
  2. ENVISION : Step into the sensory box on Vimeo
  3. Patachromo by Superbien | Enlighter Magazine
  4. PATACHROMO™ on Vimeo
  5. Everyone is an art director *Art *Photography *Design *Music *Cinema tchi tcha *Fashion *Street art: Street Art
  6. SUPERBIEN prĂ©sente « LE NUAGE » on Vimeo
  1. SUPERBIEN Alex Mestrot & Tom Chosson
  2. SUPERBIEN on Vimeo
  3. Mobile World Congress | Global Conference for Mobile Technology and Business