

The Deep Green 'Underwater Kite' Generates Electricity From Tidal Currents

'Underwater kite' aims to turn energy tide

London, England (CNN) -- A new type of tidal turbine which its creators describe as an "underwater kite" has taken a step closer to becoming commercially available.

  • New tidal-energy device "Deep Green" aims to keep energy supplies afloat
  • Underwater kite has recently received new financial backing and will begin tests in 2011
  • Device spans 12 meters and will be tethered to the ocean floor

Deep Green

The kite consists of a wing, which is provided with a turbine and a generator, attached to the seabed by a tether. Hydrodynamic forces on the kite caused by the current velocity makes the kite to move and by a control system it is taken in a certain trajectory. The speed of the kite determines the flow velocity to the turbine, which is increased by about ten times the current speed. The electricity is transmitted onshore through a power cable inside the tether. With a wing span of 12 m the kite is designed to run at a speed of 16 m/s at a current velocity around 1.6 m/s. Animated movie.


Deep Green       Other Tidal Technologies   Off-shore Wind 
Rated Power:    0.5 MW1 MW2 MW
Weight/Effect:14 tonnes/MW50-600 tonnes/MW>200 tonnes/MW
Mean Velocity:1.6 m/s2.5 m/s8 m/s
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  1. Video: "Sea Kites" Could Harness Tidal Energy For Future Power Plants | Popular Science
  2. Wave Hello to Tidal Power : Discovery News
  3. Maritime Journal: Deep Green flies kite for tidal energy « Marine Energy Systems
  4. Innovative “kites” to capture energy from slow ocean currents