

DLR's Safe Robots

Researchers study knife-wielding robots (w/ Video)

( -- Many people have dreamed of robots helping around the house, vacuuming the carpets, making the beds, and chopping vegetables in the kitchen. Now a new study has found such robots could pose a danger to humans if they use sharp implements such as steak knives.

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Department of Robotic Systems


At the Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics of the German Aerospace Center (DLR) a new generation of safe robots was developed for direct physical cooperation with humans.This will qualify the robots as assistants for humans in industrial assembly and manufacturing, medicine, or, one day, even as a house-hold help in everyone’s home. In all these applications it has to be ensured that the robot will under no circumstances injure the humans due to malfunction or even in case of user errors. This research tries to systematically study and classify all possible injuries which can appear in human-robot interaction, generate a large experimental data basis for understanding and evaluating these potential injuries and provide design and software measured to avoid or at least diminish them as much as possible.
Collected from: Safe Robots

Human-Robot Collision Study

Robotics Soft-Tissue Injury Study

Approaching Asimov's 1st Law

Injury Evaluation of Human-Robot Impacts

  1. Researchers study knife-wielding robots (w/ Video)
  2. Safe Robots
  3. YouTube - Human-Robot Collision Study
  4. YouTube - Robotics Soft-Tissue Injury Study
  5. YouTube - Approaching Asimov's 1st Law
  6. YouTube - Injury Evaluation of Human-Robot Impacts
  1. DLR - Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics - Safe Robots
  2. DLR - Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics - Home
  3. Robots with knives have a lethal strike, study says - SmartPlanet
  4. Danger: robots with knives could attack humans accidentally - Telegraph