

Development of High Energy Density Lithium-ion Batteries

Nanoscale materials for high-energy density lithium-ion batteries

NEI Corporation and the University of California, San Diego won a Phase II Small Business Technology Transfer contract from NASA to develop and implement high energy density cathode materials for lithium batteries. These lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries could be used in a variety of NASA projects - and in a wide range of transportation and consumer applications.

Lithium-ion battery - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A lithium-ion battery (sometimes Li-ion battery or LIB) is a family of rechargeable battery types in which lithium ions move from the negative electrode to the positive electrode during discharge, and back when charging. Chemistry, performance, cost, and safety characteristics vary across LIB types. Unlike lithium primary batteries (which are disposable), lithium-ion cells use an intercalated lithium compound as the electrode material instead of metallic lithium.

Meng Laboratory for Energy Storage and Conversion - Department of NanoEngineering - UCSD

Lithium ion batteries have become a key component of portable electronic devices as they offer high energy density, flexible lightweight design and a longer cycle life than other battery systems. More efficient batteries are required in the development of advanced transportation technologies in order to reduce the use of imported oil and the emission of greenhouse gas. Electrochemical energy storage has been identified as a critical enabling technology for advanced, fuel-efficient, light and heavy duty vehicles. New materials need to be designed to achieve higher energy/power densities, longer cycle lives and better reliability for such applications.

The ability to synthesize precise and heterogeneous nanostructures at low cost opens the door to the development of new electrochemical energy storage materials that can revolutionize energy storage systems. The energy storage systems for renewable sources and utility scale applications must have ALL of the following properties optimized: (a) high energy density, (b) high power density (fast ion and electron transport), (c) good safety, (d) long cycle life (>10years), (e) use of low-cost abundant raw materials and (f) cost-effective synthesis. To meet these demanding goals, we utilize a combination of theoretical/computational and experimental approaches to develop groundbreaking energy storage schemes.

NASA funds development of nanoscale materials for high energy density lithium-ion batteries [Jacobs School of Engineering: News & Events]

An experimental battery powers a small yellow light (front, right) in a battery research laboratory run by NanoEngineering professor Shirley Meng at the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering. Photo credit: UC San Diego   See more photos from the Meng lab on Flikr.

NanoEngineering professor Shirley Meng (left) works with NanoEngineering graduate student Michael Verde to hook an experimental battery up to a test light. Photo credit: UC San Diego (See more photos from the Meng lab on Flikr

Batteries on a workbench in the Laboratory for Energy Storage and Conversion run by NanoEngineering professor Shirley Meng at the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering. Photo credit: UC San Diego  (See more photos from the Meng lab on Flikr

 The metallic disks are experimental batteries being tested in the Laboratory for Energy Storage and Conversion run by NanoEngineering professor Shirley Meng at the UC San Diego Jacobs School of Engineering. Photo credit: UC San Diego  (See more photos from the Meng lab on Flikr)