

Hipmunk -- Find Your Flight with a Visual Interface

What is Hipmunk?

Hipmunk is a new flight search site that makes it easy to find the right flight with its unique interface.

How is your approach different from other flight search sites?

Other sites make you click through dozens of pages of results to get a feel for the interesting flights. Hipmunk shows you all the interesting results on one page. Hipmunk focuses on helping you find the right flight as quickly as possible—not bombarding you with distractions like ads.

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Reddit Co-Founder Dips Back Into Y Combinator With Travel Startup Hipmunk

Hipmunk only displays flights that you’ll actually want to take, and it displays them in a user interface that shows you exactly how much you’ll pay and how long you’ll be traveling. When you see the results (see screenshot for example), you’ll never want to see flight results in any other format. It’s one of those that’s so obvious why didn’t I think of that moments. And all results are on one long page, making sorting and comparing much easier.