

Zebra Imaging Holographic Prints

Holograms Moving From Science Fiction to Reality -

Zebra Imaging in Austin, Tex., sells holographic prints that at first glance look much like ordinary 2-by-3-foot pieces of plastic — until an LED flashlight is shined at them. Then the patterns, burned into the plastic with high-power laser beams, come to life, said Al Wargo, chief executive. Out of the surface springs a model of a complicated building or an intricate network of pipes and mechanical equipment.

No special eyewear is required to view the holographic prints, which typically cost $1,000 to $3,000 each. The company has also demonstrated moving holographic displays in prototype at conferences, Mr. Wargo said. (It introduced color holograms in September.)

Architects are finding that hologram technology helps them to communicate with clients, lawyers and engineers.

Digital Prints

Bring Ideas to Life in Brilliant Detail

Get ideas across quickly with the help of ZScape™ digital prints. From regional terrain to architectural designs, you can now present 3D data in a true 3D format. Engage your audience and enable analysis from every angle by delivering a richer, more compelling visual experience. Inspire collaboration with brilliant, full-color images and provide your team with accurate information to communicate quickly and effectively in any setting.

This is a color hologram created with data from Google Sketchup. The model is of downtown Seattle. The building heights in this hologram get up to about 10 inches.

Engineering and Construction

Get the Big Picture Across Quickly

Zebra Imaging helps you engage project teams and personnel with rich, realistic three-dimensional presentations that enhance communication. Your construction and site plans can now feature multiple views, overlays and annotations in vivid detail — so the most complex projects can be understood faster than ever.

Hologram created from data that Net Engineering in Italy created using CADMATIC software.