

BAE Systems Invisible Tanks

Active Camouflage System Uses E-Ink to Make Tanks Invisible on the Battlefield | Popular Science

Tank camouflage has come a long way since the good old days of painting them green and slapping a white star on the side. British defense tech firm BAE Systems is developing an active “e-camouflage” system that will employ a form of electronic ink to project imagery of a vehicles surrounding terrain, rendering the vehicle somewhat invisible to potential attackers.

Invisible tanks could be on battlefield within five years - Telegraph

Armoured vehicles will use a new technology known as "e-camouflage" which deploys a form "electronic ink" to render a vehicle "invisible".
Highly sophisticated electronic sensors attached to the tank's hull will project images of the surrounding environment back onto the outside of the vehicle enabling it to merge into the landscape and evade attack.
The concept was developed as part of the Future Protected Vehicle programme, which scientists believe, will transform the way in which future conflicts will be fought.

The programme is based around seven different military vehicles, both manned and unmanned, which will be equipped with a wide variety of lethal and none lethal weapons.

BAE Systems

News Release

Armoured Vehicle Study Turns Sci-fi to Sci-fact

16 Dec 2010 | Ref. 297/2010
FARNBOROUGH, UK - A vehicle which can "sweat" to improve stealth was among hundreds of ideas presented to the UK Ministry of Defence from a BAE Systems study designed to show them the future.

The Future Protected Vehicle programme aims to highlight both short and long-term technologies and concepts which can be used to boost the effectiveness of lightweight armoured vehicles.
Ideas identified for exploitation include:
  • Sweating vehicle could use water from a diesel or fuel cell propulsion system to reduce a vehicle's thermal signature by "sweating" it out through pores in the vehicle skin. That same water could also be reclaimed to enable soldiers to stay in the field for longer.
  • eCamouflage will allow a vehicle to match its camouflage to its surroundings by using electronic ink - rather like a squid.


Sweating stealth vehicle among BAE Systems future battlefield concepts

BAE Systems has presented the fruits of its Future Protected Vehicle program (FPV) to the U.K. Ministry of Defence

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