

Anybots Telepresence Robot

Anybots Releases Segway-Style Telepresence Robot

They're here. After over a year of whetting robot fanatic appetites with the promise of a $15,000 Segway-like telepresence business bot, Anybots has finally started shipping the friendly-faced device named QB.

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Be part of the action at work from home or anywhere. All you need is a web browser and you can interact with the whole office, lab, factory, or warehouse. QB glides around smoothly and quietly, giving you total access and presence. Shipping in early 2011.

The Anybot is a 35-lb. robot equipped with a high-definition video camera (with two-way streaming video and zoom), wireless connection, and wheels (so the robot can move around to different rooms or locations within the office) that include collision avoidance technology. Users control the Anybot remotely using a web browser. When a user is done with the Anybot, another user can take control, allowing a single robot to be used for multiple meetings or purposes.