

Citroen's Evomobil and UFO Concept Cars by Ora-Ïto

Milan Design Week: Evo Mobil And UFO By Ora-Ïto For Citroën - Bornrich

During the Milan Design Week from April 12-17, 2011, Ora-Ïto will highlight its ‘Mutation’ family, which includes the Evo Mobil and the new UFO concept car for Citroën. Ora-Ïto has considered the codes, the DNA and the industry philosophy to modernize these two monumental sculptures.

Evo Mobil - Citroën | Ora-ïto

Evo Mobil - Citroën

On the edge of the hy­poth­e­sis and the con­tem­po­rary art, this hy­brid ob­ject is based on the ful­fill­ment of child’s dream with an ob­vi­ous com­mit­ment for the ecol­o­gy. In the vo­cab­u­lary of Ora-ïto, we find a re­al as­ser­tion ex­press­ing and re­al­iz­ing the imag­i­na­tion. In­spired by the in­no­va­tive “Trac­tion Avant” from Cit­roën and based on his de­sign­er’s com­pe­tences, Ora-ïto re­flects on the er­go­nomics of the in­te­ri­or of this first mo­d­ule. He has worked on the codes, the DNA and the phi­lo­so­phy of the car in­dus­try to mod­ern­ize it with the ex­ist­ing pos­si­bil­i­ties and tech­nolo­gies.

UFO - Citroën | Ora-ïto

UFO - Citroën

Ora-ïto has na­t­u­ral­ly imagined other mo­d­ules to join the ini­tial pro­ject. A cont­i­nu­i­ty of the imag­i­na­tion al­low­ing to mul­ti­p­ly ac­tions and give another re­flec­tion to “Evo­mo­bil”. He has cre­at­ed «UFO» which is in­spired by an icon­ic car from Cit­roën. The DS mod­el com­mon­ly used by the presi­dent is now en­rolled in­to the «ge­net­ic trans­for­ma­tions” from Ora-Ito artis­tic vi­sion. The ve­hi­cle is based on the fu­ture of tran­s­port mixed with one of the most fa­mous cars in the world.

Air Sculptures:

Ora-Ïto has also planned a monumental installation over the 476 meters of the Via Montenapoleone, one of Milan’s main streets. Inspired from the Citroën’s DS logo in 2D, the designer has created a 3D volume to represent these 8-meters architectural structures. These pieces of art seem to be floating in the air.