

Singapore Punggol Eco Town -- Panasonic's Test-bed on Total Energy Solutions for Public Housing

Panasonic to Develop EcoTown Project in Singapore

Singapore’s Housing and Development Board, Energy Market Authority and Economic Development Board have partnered with Panasonic to develop an Eco Town. Ten apartments in a housing complex in Singapore have been selected to be models of the viability of energy efficiency in open housing; the project will be officially called the Punggol Eco Town.
The project will run from 2011 to 2013. Punggol Eco Town will gradually move to run entirely clean energy and reduce energy use by 75 percent. The Ecotown will have photovoltaic system to run their elevators; this means that their elevators will run by solar radiation that is converted to electricity. Solar panels will be installed throughout the units. The idea is that a resident will be able to open their garage door or switch on their TV without any environmental impact.

Panasonic Announces Asia's First Test-bed Project on Total Energy Solutions for Public Housing | Panasonic News Portal

Panasonic's photovoltaic systems will be installed to supply renewable energy to power common facilities; aiming to challenge zero emissions target and its Home Energy Management System (HEMS) will help households monitor and better manage energy consumption via an in-home display (IHD) which are provided as part of the test-bed project. Demand response will be achieved through Panasonic's Smart Energy Gateway (SEG) which connects the smart meter and home appliances such as air conditioners. As part of the bigger picture, the HEMS will be connected to the government-owned smart meters and smart grid technology; to enhance the efficiency and resilience of Singapore's power system.