

The $198 Everex Web 2.0 gPC

EVEREX TC2502 GREEN GPC W/ VIA C7-D Processor available at Wal-Mart


[...] built around a Via Technologies processor designed for low power consumption. It runs on the gOS operating system and features the 2.2 software suite that gives users the ability to create word processing documents, spreadsheets, presentations, graphics, databases and more. Additional highlights include a DVD-ROM/CD-RW drive, Ethernet port and stereo speakers.
via: Almost the Google PC: Everex gPC available at Wal-Mart | Webware : Cool Web apps for everyone
» Everex delivers $198 Google-friendly PC | Between the Lines |
Linux: Everex $200 Linux gPC Hits Wal-Mart, Bowls Rednecks Over
Everex launches $198 Ubuntu Linux gPC at Wal-Mart
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Crealev Levitation Technologies (video)

Levitation for creative use

Crealev is an Eindhoven based company that specializes in levitation technologies for creative use, such as lighting.

In the video below, a demonstration of a levitating lamp:

via: Crealev LOS! floating lamps are dangerously more interesting than you | SCI FI Tech for Wednesday, October 31, 2007 | SCIFI.COM
Lamp levitates, but how? | Crave : The gadget blog
MoCo Loco: Levitating Lamp - UPDATED

Georgia Russell - Constructions & mixed media Art

Books as art

Georgia Russell is a Scottish artist who uses a scalpel instead of a brush or a pen, creating constructions that transform found ephemera, such as books, music scores, maps, newspapers, currency and photographs. Represented by England & Co, she is currently exhibiting new work at the gallery.
The Story of Art - Details

The Story of Art 2006

Cut book in circular acrylic case
27 inches diameter x 5 inches deep

Leurs Secrets - Details
Leurs Secrets 2007

Cut book in acrylic case
26.25 x 3.75 inches

Yellow book - Details

Yellow book 2007

Cut book in bell jar
20.75 x 8.5 inches

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via: Books as art - What Jamie Found
related: Book sculptures - What Jamie Found
Haydeé Rovirosa Gallery

Eye-Fi - A Wireless Memory Card

It automatically uploads pictures from your digital camera to your PC

The Eye-Fi Card comes with everything needed to make it simple to set up and connect to your home Wi-Fi network. [...] It stores pictures like a regular SD card no matter where you are, and uploads your photos automatically as soon as you return to your home network. All you have to do is turn the camera on.
via: Eye-Fi wireless SD card: Uploading digital pictures so you don't have to | SCI FI Tech for Tuesday, October 30, 2007 | SCIFI.COM

Built-in brain “temp­lates”

Built-in brain “temp­lates” may clue tots to threats
Do babies know some­thing about spi­ders be­fore ever see­ing one?

In their stu­dy, Rak­i­son and Der­rin­ger sat 16 five-month-old ba­bies on their par­ents’ laps and showed them three sim­ple, sche­mat­ic pic­tures. One de­picted a spi­der; a sec­ond, the same spi­der with its legs point­ed in un­nat­u­ral di­rec­tions, so that the ob­vi­ous spi­der re­sem­blance was lost; and third, the same spi­der with its body parts to­tally scram­bled.

The in­fants looked at the normal spi­der for about 24 sec­onds on av­er­age, com­pared to 16 or 17 sec­onds for the oth­er
images, the re­search­ers found.
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via: World Science - Science News
related: The newborn mind's not-quite "blank slate"

2007-10-30 - Global Hosted Operating System (2)

Runs in any Internet browser and acts like a regular PC.

clipped from, an Online OS is both a URL and an abbreviation for Global Hosted Operating System. It’s a registration-needed Flash web application that emulates a traditional operating system, with file viewers, browsers, clocks & calendars, email programs, RSS-reading capabilities and more.
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  • Virtual Computer
  • Documentation

  • LiteratureLITERATURE
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    via:, an Online OS

    Rare Frilled Shark (video)

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    Rare primitive shark captured on film

    A species of shark rarely seen alive because its natural habitat is 600 metres (2,000 ft) or more under the sea was captured on film by staff at a Japanese marine park this week.

    Marine park staff caught the 1.6 metre (5 ft) long creature, which they identified as a female frilled shark, sometimes referred to as a "living fossil" because it is a primitive species that has changed little since prehistoric times.

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    Rare ‘living fossil’ shark filmed - Science -
    Rare sight of ancient shark | Video |
    National Geographic News Photo Gallery: Rare "Prehistoric" Shark Photographed Alive

    Terabyte Thumb Drives

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    Terabyte Thumb Drives Made Possible by Nanotech Memory

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    Silver eletro deposit grown on a solid electrolyte
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    Researchers have developed a low-cost, low-power computer memory that could put terabyte-sized thumb drives in consumers' pockets within a few years.

    Michael Kozicki, director of Arizona State's Center for Applied Nanoionics, has developed a new type of computer memory that he claims is cheaper and more energy-efficient than current technology.

    Photo: Michael Kozicki

    "A thumb drive using our memory could store a terabyte of information," says Michael Kozicki, director of ASU's Center for Applied Nanoionics, which developed the technology. "All the current limitations in portable electronic storage could go away. You could record video of every event in your life and store it."

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    related: ASU - Arizona Institute of Nano-Electronics


    The Travel Wikipedia

    clipped from

    Wikitravel is a project to create a free, complete, up-to-date, and reliable worldwide travel guide. So far we have 16,819 destination guides and other articles written and edited by Wikitravellers from around the globe. Check out the Help page to see how you can edit any page right now, or the Project page for more information about Wikitravel and getting involved.

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    via: 25 Unexpectedly Useful Websites for the Uncommonly Curious

    Subway Maps Generator

    Generate Subway Maps from all over the world with

    Google Flash

    SearchMash, Now in Flash

    SearchMash, Google's experimental site launched last year to test new user interfaces for search results, has a Flash version (requires IE/Firefox and Flash 9). The site uses tabs to let you seamlessly switch between different search engines: web search, image search, Google Maps, Wikipedia search and more. When you click on a search result, you won't open the page as you might expect, instead you'll see a sidebar that shows a snapshot of the page, the snippet and three interesting options: see more results from the site, go to the homepage and read the page from Google Cache.
    [Google Operating System]
    via: SearchMash, Now in Flash
    Google’s SearchMash Adds Snap Shot Previews. But Why Is It In Flash?
    Google's New SearchMash Test Site [SearchEngineWatch]


    Online Graphological Test

    Discover what your handwriting reveals about you.

    The Internet TV Charts

    All the best online video clips, on one page

    The Internet TV Charts was launched out of our frustration in trying to find the best video clips online. On this site you will find the very best free video clips, funny video clips, crazy video clips, etc. Each Sunday night, a new weekly video clip chart is generated, and [...] a daily chart too.

    Konarka - Power Plastic®

    Low-cost embedded sources of renewable power for devices, systems and structures

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    Konarka builds products that convert light into energy - anywhere

    Konarka develops light-activated Power Plastic® that is flexible, lightweight, lower in cost and much more versatile in application than traditional silicon-based solar cells.
    Materials Make It Possible

    These new materials are made from conducting polymers and nano-engineered materials that can be coated or printed onto a surface in a process similar to how photographic film is made.
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    Light activated products

    Laptops can be recharged with light thanks to Konarka’s Power Plastic®.
    Light activated products

    Smart phones can be operated longer without the need to plug in to a standard wall outlet.
    Light activated products

    Mobile phones can be charged in a remote location where there is no access to electricity.

    blog it
    Konarka makes low cost sources of renewable power - About Konarka
    Konarka Technologies Is Changing How Solar Power Is Made and Used (Energy Priorities)
    Energy heats up high tech | CNET