A collection of favorite funny math quotes from all over. We will start with funny math quotes that defines what mathematics is. More funny math quotes can be found from our Math Trivia pages.
Mathematics is ...
“Philosophy is a game with objectives and no rules. Mathematics is a game with rules and no objectives.”
"Mathematics consists in proving the most obvious thing in the least obvious way." -- George Polya
“Mathematics is like love; a simple idea, but it can get complicated.”
"Obvious is the most dangerous word in mathematics." -- E.T. Bell
"Mathematics is not a deductive science – that's a cliché. When you try to prove a theorem, you don't just list the hypotheses, and then start to reason. What you do is trial and error, experimentation, guesswork." -- Paul Halmos
Funny Math Quotes
related:Math Trivia & Math Fun Collection
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