Myers Briggs and Jung
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Myers Briggs Personality Type
The Myers Briggs model of personality is based on four preferences (E or I, S or N, T or F and J or P). You combine the preferences to give your Myers Briggs personality type. Eg: having preferences for E and S and T and
J gives a personality type of ESTJ. There are sixteen Myers Briggs personality types (listed in the table, right of page).
Myers Briggs Personality Type is based on 4 preferences.
Where, primarily, do you prefer to direct your energy?
How do you prefer to process information?
How do you prefer to make decisions?
How do you prefer to organise your life?
When you put these four letters together, you get your personality type code, and there are sixteen combinations. For example, INTJ indicates that
you prefer Introversion, iNtuition, Thinking and Judging (remember, this indicates preferences only - an INTJ also uses Extraversion, Sensing, Feeling and Perception).
Myers Briggs Introduction Page 1
Personality Types - a graphical introduction
Myers Briggs and articles about the MBTI
Free personality tests: find out your type
LinkNotes: The Myers Briggs Personality Type - Two Online Tests