

Why Flu Season Is During Winter

influenza virus [Wikipedia]

Scientists have uncovered the reason why flu viruses tend to strike in cold weather.
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NIH Scientists Offer Explanation for Winter Flu Season
Stability of Virus' Membrane at Cold Temperatures May Ease Winter
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BBC News

Why flu strikes in cold weather
Scientists believe they have uncovered a key reason why flu viruses tend to strike in cold weather.
Flu virus infecting a cell
Flu's protective coat must melt to infect a cell

They found the viruses coat themselves in fatty material that hardens to a gel, protecting them in the cold.

This coating melts in the higher temperatures of the respiratory tract, allowing the virus to infect cells.

Why Is Flu Season During Winter?  NIH Researchers Say Cold Weather Is Culprit After All – Out Shell Hardens or Softens According to Temperature
Virus Shell

The research gives scientists a new target to prevent the spread of viruses. One idea is a special chemical that would dissolve the lipid shell. This could be added to detergents and hand soap. Staying indoors where it is warm may also help prevent the spread of viruses.

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BBC NEWS | Health | Why flu strikes in cold weather
Why Is Flu Season During Winter? NIH Researchers Say Cold Weather Is Culprit After All – Out Shell Hardens or Softens | Best Syndication
Why flu virus prefers to strike in winter | Emerging Technology Trends |
NIH Scientists Offer Explanation for Winter Flu Season, March 2, 2008 News Release - National Institutes of Health (NIH)
Image:3D Influenza virus.png - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia