

Yahoo Moves To Semantic Search

Yahoo is starting to use key elements of next generation net technology known as the "semantic web".
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BBC News
Yahoo billboard, Getty

Yahoo makes semantic search shift
Yahoo has announced its adoption of some of the key standards of the "semantic web".
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Currently, most search engines, especially Google, use the interconnections between sites to identify relevance for a particular topic.
The semantic web promises to change this because it helps to capture the meaning of data on a page and so give machines classifying or searching the web the capability to work out its relevance to a particular topic.
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Yahoo! Search Blog
For example, by marking up its profile pages with microformats, LinkedIn can allow Yahoo! Search and others to understand the semantic content and the relationships of the many components of its site. With a richer understanding of LinkedIn's structured data included in our index, we will be able to present users with more compelling and useful search results for their site.
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By sharing its database of restaurant reviews, location information and photos with Yahoo!, Yelp can develop a far more visually compelling and useful search result than was previously presented to users.


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Yahoo embraces semantic web -
BBC NEWS | Technology | Yahoo makes semantic search shift
Yahoo turns to semantic web for improving search @ NewKerala.Com News, India
Yahoo! Search Blog: The Yahoo! Search Open Ecosystem
Yahoo! Search Blog: An Open Approach to Search
Yahoo! Search opens up