

The Amsterdam Airport Rotating Floating Airport concept

An innovative proposal for the needed expansion of Amsterdam Airport is the Rotating Floating Airport (RFA) invented by Van Den Noort Innovations BV in the Netherlands. The entire structure would resemble a giant propeller lodged in the ground with arrival and departure lounges, transport stations below sea level and air traffic landing and taking-off on its blades.
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Van den Noort Innovations BV
Rotating Floating Airport - RFA
Van den Noort Innovations BV in collaboration with Royal Haskoning Technical Engineering and the Technical University in Delft/Holland have developed the Rotating Floating Airport concept. This concept consists of a purely afloat platform and runway system rotating 360 degrees along a "fixed" circular terminal solely constructed on the bottom of the sea.


Floating Platform
The basic construction method is to wet cast the individual cylinders with an integral top slab to be assembled into modules.

On -site module assembly

Underwater shape

Figure: North Sea Module

Rotating runways
The runways rotate by power propellers turning the runways into the wind direction.
RFA Transport system
The fixed terminal is constructed in different levels to accommodate a departure and arrival hall with all required facilities along with a subway station connected to the mainland through a 2-line tube.

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Van den Noort Innovations BV, The Netherlands. Research and development civil engineering.
Rotating Floating Airport as an alternative for Schiphol in the Northsea.
Japan's Spectacular Floating Airports

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