

TelePresence Experience with 3D Holographic Display Technology

A demonstration by Cisco unveiling their On-Stage TelePresence Holographic Video Conferencing using the Musion Eyeliner high definition holographic video projection system with spectacular 3-dimensional moving images appearing within a live stage setting.
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Cisco's On Stage Telepresence Experience
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The ‘Cisco On-Stage TelePresence
Experience’ was an ambitious collaboration between Cisco and
Musion Systems, which took place during the opening of Cisco’s
Globalization Centre East in Bangalore, India.
Musion seamlessly integrated their 3D holographic display technology
with Cisco’s TelePresence’s system to create the world’s
first real time virtual presentation.

The Musion technology uses a single high definition camera to capture the image and a single HD projector to project it, onto a special foil. According to Musion, "All the images used on a Musion Eyeliner system appear as three-dimensional images, but are projected as two-dimensional images into a 3D stage set. It is the mind of the audience that creates the 3D illusion. This means that production costs are minimal, needing only the single camera lens single camera lens for filming and a single projector for the playback."
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Musion Eyeliner Hologram

3D Holographic Video Projection

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Cisco On-Stage TelePresence Holographic Video Conferencing
Musion Eyeliner Hologram - 3D Projection System for Live Events
Musion Eyeliner Hologram Blog
Musion Eyeliner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
HPL Coverage of Telepresence World 2007 || DVE Tele-immersion Room (The Ultimate Telepresence) Debuts at Telepresence World
Eyeliner Video Projection - Losing Something - 3LD - Theater - New York Times
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