An expensive toy for the
weekend aviator: The ICON A5, just launced by Icon Aircraft, is a foldable sport plane that can be stored in a home garage and loaded on a trailer to the water or a runway to launch.
The Icon A5 is user-friendly plane made for land, air, water—and your driveway
Loaded with features like folding wings (so you can keep it in your garage) and seat belt-like parachutes (so you can ease the whole thing down to the ground), ICON Aircraft’s new light sport airplane (LSA), dubbed the A5, might just be the ultimate joyride.
ICON Aircraft launch
Built to be safe, fun, and affordable… - 1,320 pounds maximum takeoff weight (1,430 pounds for seaplanes) - Maximum airspeed of 120 knots (138 mph) - Maximum two-person seating capacity (pilot + passenger) - Single, reciprocating engine - Fixed or ground-adjustable propeller - Non-pressurized cabin - Fixed landing gear (retractable gear allowed for seaplanes) - Maximum stalling speed of 45 knots (52 mph)
It’s flying pure and simple with fewer complexities Learning to fly is now a quick and easy five-step process. ![]( The beginning of the Sport Flying Revolution ... View Images
Estimated Price: $139,000 USD |