

Mozilla's New Aurora Browser

Clipped from: NewsFactor Network | Mozilla's Aurora Shows Concepts for Future Browsers

Mozilla's Aurora Shows Concepts for Future Browsers

The Mozilla Foundation has unveiled Aurora, a "concept browser" that displays ideas for future browsing in video clips. Aurora ideas shown include examining data like a physical object, futuristic bookmarks and intelligent searches. Mozilla's Aurora videos were created by Adaptive Path of San Francisco, and more are planned.

Clipped from: Makers of Firefox come up with a new Web browser: Scientific American Blog

Makers of Firefox come up with a new Web browser

Imagine taking the social experience of a site like Facebook or MySpace and integrating it into a Web browser so that collaboration and communication with friends and colleagues is completely seamless.

Adaptive Path, a Web design company, in partnership with the people at Mozilla Labs (a virtual lab connected to the Mozilla Foundation, the Firefox browser creators), want to do just that.

Clipped from: adaptive path » aurora concept video

Aurora Concept Video

Aurora is a concept video presenting one possible future user experience for the Web, created by Adaptive Path as part of the Mozilla Labs concept browser series. Aurora explores new ways people could interact with the Web in the future based on projected technological trends and real-world scenarios.

This is Part 1 of Aurora, a concept video created by Adaptive Path in partnership with Mozilla Labs. With Aurora, we set out to define a plausible vision of how technology, the browser, and the Web might evolve in the future by depicting that experience in a variety of real-world contexts.

Aurora (Part 1) from Adaptive Path on Vimeo.

In Part 2 of Aurora, the browser goes mobile on a handheld touchscreen device.

Aurora (Part 2) from Adaptive Path on Vimeo.

In Part 3 of Aurora, we look at connecting the Web more closely with the physical world.

Aurora (Part 3) from Adaptive Path on Vimeo.

In the conclusion of Aurora, the browser goes home, moving to a large-scale, gestural interface.

Aurora (Part 4) from Adaptive Path on Vimeo.

Clipped from: Mozilla Labs » Blog Archive » Introducing the Concept Series; Call for Participation

An investigation into a better way of visualizing and interacting with bookmarks, your history, and the browser in general. Learn More

Bookmarking and History Concept Video from Aza Raskin on Vimeo.

An experimental UI proposal for Firefox Mobile. Learn More

Firefox Mobile Concept Video from Aza Raskin on Vimeo.

Mozilla Labs » Blog Archive » Introducing the Concept Series; Call for Participation
adaptive path » aurora concept video
NewsFactor Network | Mozilla's Aurora Shows Concepts for Future Browsers
Today @ PC World Mozilla Invites World to Shape Web's Future
Makers of Firefox come up with a new Web browser: Scientific American Blog
Mozilla's New Aurora Browser: The Web Of The Future - The Channel Wire - IT Channel News And Views by CRN and VARBusiness
Adaptive Path Releases Aurora To “Inspire And Engage” Community