

New Metamaterials Promise Invisibility Cloaks


Clipped from: Metamaterials Hold Promise For Invisibility Cloaks -- Metamaterials -- InformationWeek

Information Week

Metamaterials Hold Promise For Invisibility Cloaks

Researchers at the University of California, Berkeley, say they have created materials that bring them closer to creating invisibility cloaks.

They will publish their work in two journals, Nature and Science, this week. The researchers used 3-D metmaterials, or composites with the ability to bend electromagnetic waves, to negatively refract light

Negative refraction

Clipped from: Professor Xiang Zhang's Research Lab - UC Berkeley: Home


Clipped from: Invisibility cloak a step closer as scientists bend light 'the wrong way' | Mail Online

Mail Online

Invisibility cloak a step closer as scientists bend light 'the wrong way'

The discoveries could one day allow people to become invisible

Clipped from: Professor Xiang Zhang's Research Lab - UC Berkeley: Home

Negative Refraction New Breakthroughs! read the story

Professor Xiang Zhang's Research Lab - UC Berkeley: Home
Professor Xiang Zhang's Research Lab: Research
Invisibility cloak a step closer as scientists bend light 'the wrong way' | Mail Online
Invisibility Cloak One Step Closer: New Metamaterials Bend Light Backwards
Metamaterials Hold Promise For Invisibility Cloaks -- Metamaterials -- InformationWeek
New Material Could Make Objects Invisible | LiveScience
Invisible Cloak Using Metamaterials
AFP: Invisibility cloak now within sight: scientists
Scientists closer to developing invisibility cloak -