

B&W's mPower Modular Nuclear Reactor

Technology Review - Published By MIT
A Preassembled Nuclear Reactor

A new modular design could make building nuclear reactors faster and cheaper.

A new type of nuclear reactor that is designed to be manufactured in a factory rather than built at a power plant could cut construction times for nuclear power plants almost in half and make them cheaper to build. That, in turn, could make it possible for more utilities to build nuclear power plants, especially those in poor countries. The design comes from Babcock and Wilcox, a company based in Lynchburg, VA, that has made nuclear reactors for the United States Navy ships for about 50 years.

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B&W the Babcock & Wilcox Company - a McDermott Company
Features of the B&W mPower reactor include:
B&W mPower Containment Building
B&W mPower Reactor Concept

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Technology Review: A Preassembled Nuclear Reactor
The Babcock & Wilcox Company
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