

EATR a Biomass Powered Military Robot

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Upcoming Biomass Powered Military Robot

EATR Robot to feed off of Biomass

Robotic Technology Inc. is working on a robot that is powered by biomass - grass, wood, or even dead bodies. The steam powered robot, which is being developed for the Pentagon under a Phase II SBIR grant, is designed for fuel itself off materials in its environment. While the title, “… could feed on dead bodies”, is quite sensational, the ability to power a vehicle using naturally occurring sources of fuel would be a big boon to military vehicles. The “Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot”, or EATR,

… will be powered by the Waste Heat Engine developed by Cyclone Power Technology of Pompano Beach, Fla., which uses an “external combustion chamber” burning up fuel to heat up water in a closed loop, generating electricity.

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Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot (EATR) Project

The purpose of the Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot (EATR)™ (patent pending) project is to develop and demonstrate an autonomous robotic platform able to perform long-range, long-endurance missions without the need for manual or conventional re-fueling, which would otherwise preclude the ability of the robot to perform such missions. The system obtains its energy by foraging – engaging in biologically-inspired, organism-like, energy-harvesting behavior which is the equivalent of eating. It can find, ingest, and extract energy from biomass in the environment (and other organically-based energy sources), as well as use conventional and alternative fuels (such as gasoline, heavy fuel, kerosene, diesel, propane, coal, cooking oil, and solar) when suitable.

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How It Works

The Cyclone Engine is a Rankine Cycle heat regenerative external
combustion engine, otherwise known as a “Schoell Cycle” engine. It creates
mechanical energy by heating and cooling water in a closed-loop, piston-based
engine system. The process looks like this:

For more technical info about the
Cyclone Engine, including photos and video,
click here.

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Darpa's Self-Feeding Sentry Robot is Not a Man-Eater, Company Protests

"We completely understand the public's concern about futuristic robots feeding on the human population, but that is not our mission," says CEO

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Dr. Bob Finkelstein, president of RTI and a cybernetics expert, said the EATR would be programmed to recognize specific fuel sources and avoid others.

"Despite the far-reaching reports that this includes “human bodies,” the public can be assured that the engine Cyclone (Cyclone Power Technologies Inc.) has developed to power the EATR runs on fuel no scarier than twigs, grass clippings and wood chips -- small, plant-based items for which RTI’s robotic technology is designed to forage. Desecration of the dead is a war crime under Article 15 of the Geneva Conventions, and is certainly not something sanctioned by DARPA, Cyclone or RTI."

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  1. Upcoming Biomass Powered Military Robot -
  2. EATR, Robotic Technology Inc., robots, unmanned vehicles, artificial intelligence and more.
  3. Cyclone Power Technologies - How It Works
  4. Darpa's Self-Feeding Sentry Robot is Not a Man-Eater, Company Protests | Popular Science
  5. Biomass-Eating Military Robot Is a Vegetarian, Company Says - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News -
  1. Robotic Technology Inc., robots, unmanned vehicles, artificial intelligence and more.
  2. Biomass-Eating Military Robot Is a Vegetarian, Company Says - Science News | Science & Technology | Technology News -
  3. Cyclone Biomass Engine Takes Next Step in Powering DARPA's EATR Bot, a Hungry Hungry Sentinel | Popular Science
  4. Cyclone Power Technologies - Cyclone Engine
  5. Presentation EATR Brief Overview 6 April 09.pdf (application/pdf Object)
  6. Overview Of EATR Project Brief 6 April 09.pdf (application/pdf Object)