

Hywind -- StatoilHydro's floating wind turbine

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World's first floating wind turbine

The world's first floating wind turbine has been towed to sea in a pilot project aimed at creating future wind farms miles off shore where the wind can be very strong.
StatoilHydro has decided to build the world’s first full scale floating wind turbine, Hywind, and test it over a two-year period offshore Karmøy. The The company is investing approximately 400 million NOK. Planned startup is autumn 2009.

The HyWind-prototype will be situated 10 km off the west coast of Norway, offshore Karmøy.
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Hywind wind turbine. Photo Hilde Bjelland Vik/Statoil
Floating wind turbines can help shift offshore wind farms out of sight
Hywind computer generate image
The flotation element stretches 100 metres below the sea surface
It is anchored to the seabed in three places
It can be moored in waters up to 700 metres deep
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Hywind turbine
Power: 2.3 megawatt
Above sea: 100m
Below sea: 100m
Sjur Bratland, asset manager, Hywind (Photo: Jorn Madslien)

Today's solutions are too costly as the margins are so much slimmer in this area than in the oil and gas industry
Sjur Bratland, Hywind asset manager, StatoilHydro

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  1. YouTube - World's first floating wind turbine
  2. StatoilHydro to build first full scale offshore floating wind turbine
  3. hywind_05.jpg (JPEG Image, 3500x3500 pixels)
  4. YouTube - Hywind, worlds first offshore floating windmill (go HQ!)
  5. BBC NEWS | Business | Floating wind turbine launched
  6. BBC NEWS | Business | Floating challenge for offshore wind turbine
  1. World's First Floating Wind Turbine Swtiches On
  2. Floating Wind Turbines Could Revolutionize Wind Power
  3. Floating Off-Shore Wind Rig Based on Oil Rig Technology
  4. First offshore wind turbine to be buoyed off Norway | Green Tech - CNET News
  5. Oil Company Begins Wind Test of Off-Shore Floating Platform : CleanTechnica