

Writing on the Air

Clipped from: Glove Lets You Write in Thin Air on Discovery News Blog | Discovery Channel International

Glove Lets You Write in Thin Air

Sept. 18, 2009 - A fingerless bike glove equipped with electrical sensors lets you write on thin air, according to new research.
The modified glove could not only allow for discreet, one-handed text messaging but also create an early warning system for neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's.

Clipped from: Hand Technology May Bring in Jobs | WWNY TV 7 Watertown, NY | Local News

Hand Technology May Bring in Jobs

A team of neuroscientists is working to perfect a high-tech digital hand. The fingerless glove is embedded with electronic sensors that can recognize whatever is written in the air and translate it into digital text.
"We are very excited with the results of our research," says neuroscientist Michael Linderman, one of the researchers who developed the concept.

Clipped from: Look Ma, No Pen! Electrical Impulses Can Reproduce Handwriting | Wired Science |

Look Ma, No Pen! Electrical Impulses Can Reproduce Handwriting

“You can write in the air, can write on any surface, can write using a pen or pencil or even without,” said Linderman, “and this will be converted into text on the display of a cellphone or computer.”

For the first phase of their research project, published Wednesday in PLoS ONE, the scientists asked six volunteers to don a prototype glove that recorded the electrical activity of eight muscles in the hand and forearm. Each subject wrote the numerals zero to nine 50 times, and a computer recorded both the input from their digital pen and the electrical activity of their hand muscles as they completed the exercise. [...]

The results of the experiment can be seen in the figure [...]:

What participants actually wrote is shown in blue, while their handwriting reconstructed from the electrical recordings is in red. The reproduction isn’t perfect, but since submitting the paper, Linderman says the team has significantly refined its process.

  1. Glove Lets You Write in Thin Air on Discovery News Blog | Discovery Channel International
  2. Hand Technology May Bring in Jobs | WWNY TV 7 Watertown, NY | Local News
  3. Look Ma, No Pen! Electrical Impulses Can Reproduce Handwriting | Wired Science |
  1. PLoS ONE: Recognition of Handwriting from Electromyography
  2. Glove lets you write in thin air - Innovation-
  3. Microtrends - Times Online
  4. Ryan Sager - Neuroworld – Writing on the Air - True/Slant