Read more: http://technology.newscient... The first robot that can jump like a grasshopper and roll like a ball could play a key role in future space exploration.
- TechRadar UK | Image zoom | Air-powered leaping robot created in Tokyo
- Air-powered leaping robot created in Tokyo | News | TechRadar UK
- YouTube - Mowgli bipedal jumping robot
- EPFL - Laboratory of Intelligent Systems (LIS) - Prof. Dario Floreano
- YouTube - Grasshopper robot sets hopping record
- Press Release - 04 December 2008 - University of Bath
- YouTube - Robot that jumps like a grasshopper could play a key role in future space exploration.
- Sandia hopping robots to bolser troop capabilities - September 11, 2009
- Video: Precision Urban Hopper leaps over fences, makes enemies cringe
- 'Grasshopper' robot sets high-jump record - tech - 21 May 2008 - New Scientist
- Video: Jumping rolling robot avoids all obstacles - tech - 08 December 2008 - New Scientist
- BBC NEWS | Science & Environment | Military robot 'hops' over walls
- Robo Hop | Popular Science
- TG Daily - Boinggg... military robot jumps 25 feet high
- YouTube - 1.5gram Gliding Robot doing Phototaxis