

BioPower Ocean Power Systems

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BioPower Systems Collaborates With City of San Francisco on Wave Energy Project

SYDNEY, Oct. 22 /PRNewswire/ -- Australia's ocean energy company, BioPower
Systems, today announced that it had entered into a collaborative agreement
with the City of San Francisco to investigate the generation of wave energy
from the Pacific Ocean.
Bio Power Systems

BioPower Systems is commercialising ocean power conversion technologies. Through application of biomimicry, we have adopted nature's mechanisms for survival and energy conversion in the marine environment and have applied these in the development of our proprietary wave and tidal power systems.

The wave power system, bioWAVE™, is based on the swaying motion of sea plants in the presence of ocean waves.
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bioWave ocean wave power system BioPower Systems

The tidal power conversion system, bioSTREAM™, is based on the highly efficient propulsion of Thunniform mode swimming species, such as shark, tuna, and mackerel.
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bioSTREAM Tidal Power System

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  1. BioPower Systems Collaborates With City of San Francisco on Wave Energy Project | Reuters
  2. BioPower Systems - Biologically Inspired Ocean Power Systems
  3. BioPower Systems - Biologically Inspired Ocean Power Systems
  4. YouTube - bioWave ocean wave power system BioPower Systems
  5. BioPower Systems - Biologically Inspired Ocean Power Systems
  6. YouTube - bioSTREAM Tidal Power System
  1. BioPower Systems draws inspiration from the sea to build ocean power technologies | VentureBeat
  2. Ocean Power Magazine » Ocean power partnership: BioPower Systems and Siemens sign MoU
  3. Radotec Projects - BioPower Systems